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Hikari Spirulina

An outstanding, natural color enhancing diet offering a superior blend of pure-cultured Spirulina and added carotenoids. If you're looking for the most vibrant colors your koi can muster without affecting the white areas of their body, this should be your first choice.
High in stabilized vitamin C which promotes resistance to stress and immunity to infectious disease.
The manufacturing technique used to produce Hikari Spirulina has been developed from over 110 years of koi breeding, keeping and showing experience. If you're looking for championship koi, make Hikari Spirulina part of their regular feeding regiment.
A floating pellet that will not cloud your pond water. Floating foods allow you to easily monitor and adjust the amount of food fed to avoid over-feeding.
Berat : 500 gram
Detail Produk:
Item ini merupakan pakan Koi Import yang diproduksi oleh Kyorin Ltd Japan untuk meningkatkan warna ikan koi dengan bahan utama spirulina

Harga: Rp.105.000

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